About us
We are co-located in the MDC in Bendigo
CASA is within the Bendigo Multi-disciplinary Complex (MDC) in Bendigo along with:
- Victoria Police Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT)
- Child Protection Child Sexual Offences Investigation Team
- Bendigo Community Health Services – Community Health Nurse
- Victims of Crime Program.
Read more about the benefits of our co-location with these other services.
Professional perceptions reportWhy we exist
For more than 40 years CASA has been working to transform society and change the systemic drivers of sexual violence.
We have made substantial achievements in enhancing sectors response to sexual assault through education, advocacy, research and specialised therapeutic services to adults, children and their family members.
CASA works alongside people who have experienced sexual assault to support and advocate on their behalf. This includes care and support during criminal justice proceedings and forensic medical procedures.
We also work extensively with Police, and the legal, medical and child protection systems, to advocate for better system responses for victims and families.
Our History
The Centre Against Sexual Assault was established originally in 1979 with Queen Victoria Medical Centre to provide a 24 hour counselling service to victims of sexual assault. This ultimately led to the establishment of first Government funded Sexual Assault Centre.
In 1984 Bendigo CASA was established to provide a range of services for adults and children who had experienced sexual assault. In 2015 CASA moved into a multidisciplinary center (MDC).
Our therapeutic approach
Our therapeutic approach focuses on the presenting issues related to the experience of sexual assault or abuse. This includes the emotional, psychological, developmental, economic and social consequences. Central to our approach is that a person is not asked to retell their experience.
We provide vital therapeutic counselling, support and advocacy for people impacted by sexual assault, to enable them to heal from trauma. We advocate on behalf of adults and children and young people to have their needs heard and upheld by others. We provide support, education and guidance to parents and carers of children and young people to enable them to keep children happy, safe and healthy.
We support professionals working with adults, young people and children to be more responsive to the needs of those impacts by sexual violence. We work across communities to strength peoples understanding of the drivers of sexual violence and how to keep children and young people safe.
Our caring and experienced staff can assist in helping you to consider the options that are available to you such as reporting to the Police, receiving medical care, making a police statement or having a or forensic medical examination. If you do not want to make a statement to police we can also assist by providing emotional support and if appropriate, offering a general medical appointment to ensure that you’re okay. We can also offer you an appointment to meet with one of our counsellors the following business day to make sure your needs are met and discuss your options and care.
Our service provides 24 hour immediate crisis care and support for anyone who has experienced a recent sexual assault (in the past 14 days) and needs urgent support.

Our theoretical framework
We operate from a structuralist human right, feminist analysis of sexual assault. CASA is committed to addressing the gender, cultural, social, economic and class inequalities which result in the perpetration of sexual assault and violence against women and children.
We operate within the framework of the Victims’ Rights Model of service delivery in which survivors’ rights are central.
Knowledge and understanding of the individual, cultural, social and universal context of the lives of women, men and children is fundamental to enable services to respond consistently and appropriately to the range and diversity of needs of people who have experienced sexual assault.
Our Values
Our work is guided by feminist principles that acknowledge that sexual assault arises from a power imbalance, usually between men and women, and men and children. Sexual assault is a violent act which occurs regardless of age, class, culture and race. Men’s exercise of power over women and children can be reinforced by myths and attitudes held in the home, workplace and the community.
CASA Central Victoria advocates for change by educating and empowering the community to dispel myths and attitudes that perpetuate violence and power inequities. We will work towards a safer community, encouraging and promoting changes within society to address gender inequities and the abuses of power.
Our guiding principles
Social justice
Equity, inclusion and human rights are embedded within our organisation.
Integrity, safety, respect and empowerment
Are integrated in every aspect of our service delivery and governance.
Quality and accountability
Our work is evidence based, measured and accountable to our clients and the community
We work within a feminist framework to challenge and reform structural gender inequities.
Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023Our Board
Student Placement Program
CASA offers a student placement program for tertiary students within a research, clinical or project-based capacity. We are currently taking Expressions of Interest for the next Student Intake.
We provide placements to final year students from psychology, social work and counselling disciplines.
Please contact us by email: advocacy@casacv.org.au